divendres, 13 de maig del 2016


If we want to improve the final mark of spanish we can read one book. I chose a book named Nada of Carme Laforet. The book narrates the story of Andrea. She was a quiet person but in the same time she was rebel. She didn't like the people who controlinh her. She liked to do what she wanted. Andrea comes at the age of 18 to Barcelona to study.
Today we went to Barcelona. We went there to do a project for spanish subject. The work consist of doing a route in the places that Andrea has passed. At the same time we had to explain to another student what happened this place in the history. And when we are talking, another person recorded us.
The route was very long. We started at 10:30 and we finished at four o'clock. But we had funny moments. The best part of this route is when we went to La Rambla. Here there were a lot of artists. One of them was dancing flamenco, another was dancing rap, others were doing amazing acrobatics...

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