dilluns, 11 de gener del 2016


I agree with the text because it says that I am talkative, enthusiastic, cooperative, playful, spontaneos, entertainer... I am spontaneous, energetic, and fun-loving, and I take pleasure in the things around me: food, clothes, nature, animals, and especially people. In some place I like to be in the middle of the action and the center of attention. I like to keep busy, filling my lives with hobbies, sports, activities, and especially my friends. One thing that stands out in my personality is that I rather live spontaneously than plan ahead. I hates nothing more than missing out on the fun. I enjoy helping other people.
I don't agree with this sentence: "they often dressed with dazzling colors". I dress with dazzling color only in a specials days, for example, in the weddings.

ESFP- Seal

diumenge, 10 de gener del 2016

We should recycle

To make a T-Shirt we need a lot of liter of water, a lot of energy.... How many T-Shirt we have in our wardrobe? We need all thats T-shirt? Probably no.
We have to buy only the things that we need because we have to recycle. As I said before to make one T-Shirt, one pants or another cloths we need a lot of litres of water consequently, in the world we can use only 3% of the water of the planet so the solution is buy only the necessary things.

Another argument for recycle is that all things need water: in our food, in your wallet, in our furniture...and the most important in our body. We need to drink two litres of water in a day.

Cheap things

Resultat d'imatges de niños explotados textlWe all like the cheap things, either because we don't have money or because we don't want spend money. When we see a cheap thing, we don't ask the reason of this thing, we just think of ourselves. We don't know that a T-shirt, pants, jacket...is inexpensive because, in another place, there are exploited child, that they work each they for 16 hours, with awful salary, some girls are sexually exploited...

Why they prefer a menor than an adult?
  • Because they are obedient and they are inexpensive.
  • They are more agile than an adult.

UNICEF denounced the exploitation they are subjected 180 million children in the world, that is one in twelve children. We have to stop that. But this business have a lot of money, so the countries have to do an agreement for stop them. But this will be very difficult because we help indirectly this business.