dimecres, 29 de març del 2017

Do you believe in love at first sight?

In the broadest sense, this question can be argued from diferents points of views. The majority of people say that they don't believe in love at first sight, but there are some people that believe in it. We understant that love at first sight mens that someone falls in love when they see another person, without meet him or her before. 

On the one hand love at first sight usually takes five or ten seconds until the two people involved feel something special for each other. Many people are incredulous in this situation, but only the affected people will be really aware of what has happened to them. Symptoms of love at first sight:
  • The first symptoms: a feeling of well-being
You feel a deep sense of happiness, you forget the worries and problems.
Even, some women say that their mind separates from their body, thus creating a sense of well-being.
  • Second symptom: the obsession of the other
The other person becomes our main thinking. It's like everything disappeared around you. You only see him or her.
  • Third symptom: physiological signs
Palpitations are one of the main physical signs that the person involved (on love at first sight) describe, first, as if the heart was the first to know that he just knew love. Then many other symptoms occur which include hot flashes, flushing cheeks or butterflies in the stomach.
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On the another hand there are people that don’t belive in it. On the another hand there are people that don’t belive in it. “Love at first sight doesn’t exist and is due to a combination that the brain makes between past and recent experiences in order to update resources”, according to research of Northwestern University in the United States, Donna Jo Bridge. Another study by scientists at Hamilton College in New York has just revealed that we need to see at least 4 times someone to feel in love.

In one experiment the scientists showed repeatedly photos of 122 people to a group of 22 women and men, asking them to evaluate the photos while their brain activity was being recorded. As the assessments increased, the researchers observed that the behavior of brain waves was similar to that associated with excitation. That is, the more they identified a face or more they became familiar, the more excited they were.

As the attraction to the people in the photos began to increase from the fourth time, the scientists concluded that, perhaps, the faces of other people may be more attractive to us when we saw the person before.

In conclusion, Many people don't believe in love at first sight, but we can generally say that it does exist. Of course you never know where you can find it. If you are lucky to find it take care of it, since you never know if that person will be the love of your life.


  • https://www.elitesingles.cl/consejos/vida-de-soltero-y-busqueda-de-pareja/amor-a-primera-vista
  • https://psicologiaymente.net/pareja/amor-a-primera-vista#!
  • http://www.nuevamujer.com/mujeres/pareja/todos/segun-la-ciencia-el-amor-a-primera-vista-no-existe/2016-10-18/124644.html
  • http://www.huffingtonpost.es/2015/02/26/amor-y-ciencia_n_6670642.html
  • http://www.abc.es/sociedad/20140206/abci-amor-primera-vista-existe-201402052038.html

diumenge, 12 de març del 2017


In the last post I talked about the issues that woman's like. So in this post I will do the opposite. If you go to a date with a man, you have to know the 4 ideal topics to chat with a man:

  •  What is her favorite movie?:  Analyze what kind of movies or band of music he like and later you can invite him to see her favorite movie or band of music.
  • Favorite place in the world: This question can be the starting point to have an interesting conversation about travels and places that both have known to compare. And in the future you can plan a travel together. 
  • His favorite way to spend a weeken: Undoubtedly this topic of conversation will be the kickoff to plan future departures together. If you want to know what things you like to do and what not, do not hesitate to ask this question.
  • What kind of things make you laugh?: humor is a very important point in every relationship. To know how to proceed and also have an interesting and fun talk with your boy, don't hesitate to ask what things cause him laughter and also tell him what makes you laugh.


Go to a first date can be very difficult, especially if you don't find a topic to talk about. So I'll put a list of things to talk the next time you go out with a girl or boy. In ths post I will focus in the issues the women's like.

Topics to talk with woman:

  • Interesting facts and stories: First of all you have to be sure that the topic interes the girl and then you can continue with the story. Don't talk about TV shows like mujeres y hombres, you have to tell interesants things.
  • Music and Movies: who don't like this topics? Analyze what kind of movies or band of music she like and later you can invite her to see her favorite movie or band of music.
  • Currents events: The girls like to talk about the current events. If you don't know the current issues, then you have to start watching the news and read newspapers or news on the internet.
  • Lifestyle: Talk about her lifestyle and the things she did when she was a child. Know her goals and ambitions.
  • Passions: If you have a certain passion and gives the "chance" that she also likes, show your enthusiasm about it, there is the time to surprise her.


Internet has progessed a lot. Nowadays, everybody has a mobilephone, tablet, computer, etc. But can Internet and its users change the world for the better?

On the one hand, I agree with this sentence because since the era of Internet we livw in a better world, for exemple, we can communicate with our family that lives far, Yeras ago, people has to travel to buy something or meet their family or friends. Nowadays, we only have to do a "click" to buy something, meet somebody, ets.

On the other hand, I think that Internet will "control" us if we don't take the necessary measures. The problem is the lack of privacy that these navigations provides individuals. There are organizations that are responsible for chasing and storing all the information that the user exchanges throughout their navigation. By  'cookies' the navegator archive all the information of the person, from photographs to searches.

In conclusion, I agree with the sentence but we have to contol it.