diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015


Resultado de imagen de movie thirteen
We read a book called “The Best of Times?” After ,in class, we watch a movie of the book. The movie is called Thirteen.

Resultado de imagen de the best of time by alan maley
The principal differences between the book and the film is the age of the character. In the film the girls are thirteen years old. But in the book the character are sixteen years old. In the book the mother's Chee Seng is in the hospital and her father ignored him but in the film is isn't similar: the mother girl is isn't in the hospital and her father love her daughter. The two stories occurred in different continents.

Another difference that attract the attention is that in the film appears a lot of scene of sex but in the book there isn't nearly scena of sex.


dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2015


Imatge inserida 1

2-What have you done well ? What do you need to improve?

Things that I do well:
  • I think that I looking at my audience the most of the time, I don't read from my notes well only for check sometimes.
  • We organize our ideas in order of importance.
  • We  introduced new information to our audience (We could have said more things).
  • I think that the information is clear.
  • I think that my grammar is correct ( I have some errors but the most of my infromation is correct).
  • I think that I changed my tone of voice and used a monotone tone all the time.

I need to improve:
  • I need to improve the presentation, it has to have some letter.
  • The presentation go on for only 7 minutes.
  • I have to use sentence linker and filler.
  • I have to use more vocabulary rich and varied.


The song belongs to the group Pink Floyd. The single launch in November 1979. It reached number one in the list in UK, in US and many other countries. It is considered by music critics as one of the best songs of the band, and one of the best songs in rock history.

"Another Brick in the Wall" is a "protest song" denounces the hard rules that are in school in general with the phrase "We do not need no education" ("no necessitem cao educació"). It reflects the vision of Roger Waters on formal education: he hated their teachers and he thought that they were more interested in maintaining discipline instead of transmitting his knowledge to students.
The phrase "Another brick in the wall" ("un altre maó en la paret") refers to the image of the teacher, who is seen as one of the causes of mental isolation of Pink.

On the one hand I agree with the group. Because I think that schools should be more freedom, but it is not, we are under school rules. And this prevents that the students have critical spirit.
And on the another hand I don't agree because I think everyone has to have a minimum of education.

dijous, 26 de novembre del 2015

Mixture of Safe Chemicals May Cause Cancer


Resultat d'imatges de chemical productsWe have a lot of chemical products. Every day, people come into contact with thousands of chemicals. These chemicals are said to be harmless to human health.
At first sight the chemical products seems harmless. But in combination with other chemicals, they may become deadly. Simple minerals can become dangerous when mixed with chemicals found in plastics or beauty products.
Linda Gulliver: “We're talking about everything that could be from basic minerals elements like copper, nickel to pesticides that are used in things like cosmetics and hair sprays and nail polishes and food wrappers."
Also, the chemical mixtures could lead to cancer. An estimated one in five cancers has been linked to chemical exposure.
So we have to tread carefully with this products. 

  • Harmless: inofensivo
  • Safe: seguro
  • Tread carefully: andar con cuidado.

Personal opinin:

In my opinion I think that this information would have to be written in the product, as surely many people don't know this. This can cause to serious accidents.


dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2015


"The best accomplice of violence is the silence" says Alessandro Palomo. "Violence is a cancer that doesn’t knows social boundaries or social condition. It can affect anyone person, no matter if she is a normal person or a famous person. To avoid violence the best option is to use culture by means of education.
Alessandro Palomo has created the advertising campaign named #BreakTheSilence. He has taken pictures of celebrities like Emma Watson and he transformed it with Photoshop with the purpose to show that they have suffered gender violence and make aware the society. With that he wants to encourage victims to report abuse and to break the silence.
The artist wants to know that anyone person can suffer violence. That we must to be attentive to any situation of violence, either physically or psychologically.

Important: Signs of violence is when your partner or ex-partner:
  • Ignores or disregards your feelings
  • Ridicule, insult or despise women in general
  • When he puts you down, yells at you or insult you in private or in public
  • Threaten to hurt you or your family
  • when he has assaulted you ever physically
  • Isolates you from family and / or friends
  • Etc.
A good relationship is when there is trust and respect to each other and above all there is love. If you suffer from one of the earlier signs, it could be the beginning of an abusive relationship

dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2015


Since childhood , the society, teach us that maturity has to do with the seriousness and responsibility. When we grow up we believe we are mature when we get serious, when we are realistic and when we forget to dream. When you go down the street, have you ever smiled at a stranger? certainly rarely. We forget that the smile is like a "good virus" that infected to the other persons and relieves tension. When you smile at another we are saying many things. When you smile at another, he or she also smiles, and in this moment is when negative thoughts remain aside and also we are transmitting a feeling of company.

We smile when we feel good, when something funny happens, when we are happy or excited about any news, so there are plenty of situations that make us smile. When someone smiles it transmit the feeling of confidence. Many conversations with people who do not know start with an exchange of smile. Sometimes a smile can be worth more a thousand words.
When we smile we disconnect from the routine and we take away the negativity of the problems and we changed the view.

Curiosity: The smile of a woman has a magical effect on men. A study in a bar says:

When a woman just make eye contact with men are only 20% of them come. But when she make eye contact more a smile whit man are 60% of them come. 

diumenge, 22 de novembre del 2015

School failure in Spain

Year after year, Spain remains in the last positions of the PISA report. We have an education system that doesn't work. What things do exactly fail?
Finland is one of the countries that get top marks. The structure of the Spanish education is very different than the Finnish structure.
For example: the Finnish teachers are more qualified than Spanish teachers, the number of students per class is very high compared to there.
One thing that attracts attention: is that children begin that at six years old. There are more components that make them succeed. What is exactly the changes that should be made?
What are the most important rules?
  • Pre-school education: They are set with a lot of rules. This prevents the child to do his natural game activity and experience alone. Children are separated from their parents very early.
  • Primary school: The students memorize things and they don't understand it. The tests are done to put exactly what is in the books and they don't value the child's creativity. They have a lot of homework.
  • Secondary school: They devote many hours to learn things that aren't necessary. They do not have free time. And the students don't have the ability of critical thinking.
I hope someday the sistem can be changed. But also we don't have to forget that there are teachers who do their work well and there are students who get good grades and are critical. 

diumenge, 8 de novembre del 2015


Childhood is a very funny stage, cheerful, unforgettable and unrepeatable. Sometimes some children want to be adults as soon as possible, and the adults want to return to their wonderful childhood. In our childhood there weren't important problems, there wasn't technology.
You only had to think to play with friends. Before we went out to the street to be with our friends and play pilla-pilla, hide and seek, "la comba", "la xarranca", cops and robbers, who jumps higher, play marbles...

Because of technology, children have other games. most times they are with the mobile phone, computer, tablet...The children have changed friends by virtual friends. They have changed plays by video games... On many occasions children can handle the computer, the video game console, MP3, etc, much better than some adults.

Childhood is an important period in the psychological development of children where the game has the important role. Children have the right to a dignified childhood. But modern children have no childhood, it is sad but it is the reality.


Music is very important for humans. With music we can express our feelings: happiness, sadness, fears... we can also alleviate our sentiments. The teens are listening to music all day. This is because the young people construct their identity in costume, hairstyle, language, and music.

The other side of the music is the lyrics. The songs with negative words that have messages of drugs, sex... make that their recipient sees that's like a good thing or like a fashion.
Music is an element that influences every day in the lives of young people.Today's music is characterized by every day more violent, sexual... messages and also the artists, in their videos, wear increasingly less clothing. For example we can see this in reggaeton music. Now the reggaeton is fashionable. Their lyrics don't bring positive messages, but all the people sing and dance it.

But despite all this, we don't have to forget that in music there are also good things. For example you can learn new languages, new thoughts...

Resultat d'imatges de musicaResultat d'imatges de musica