dilluns, 31 d’octubre del 2016

Coloring Books Can Cut Stress for Adults


Worldwide children enjoy when they are painting. But also adults. One book becomes very craze in USA and others countries. Adults ause his book for color and it set off adults. this books helsps the people is to encourage people to be creative.
Resultat d'imatges de painting by adults bookLucido says that the act of coloring becomes therapeutic. The experts says that coloring can reduce stress by only this simple task.  They add that coloring can bring out your imagination and can take you back to your childhood.

Thanks that, there are a lot of people that demande this book.


I agree that when we paint we feel relaxed. But I did not know that this simple action could give us so many benefits. I try to paint from time to time, so that I can remove the stress of this year.


  • worldwide: mundial, internacional
  • Fill in: completar
  • Craze: alguna cosa muy popular durante un periodo de tiempo
  • Set off: diriguido a
Link: http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/adult-coloring-books-cut-stress/3469234.html



Today is Halloween. It is a traditional party. On this celebration the people (especially the children) wears frightening costumes or masks to make themselves look like somebody else. At night they go from house to house to collect candys. Acording The National Confectioners Association says Americans will spend $2.7 billion on Halloween candy this year.

Resultat d'imatges de mask og trump and clintonThis year it has become fashionable to wear a Hillary Clinton's and Donald Trump's masks. 2000 adults tonight will become candidates for the White House. 55 percent of them will wear Trump and 45 of Clinton.


I love this party because you see children with much illusion celebrating this tradition. But in small towns not many people celebrate it. On the other hand a friend celebrate her birthday on Halloween. So we celebrate   the two things at once.


survey: encuesta
axe: hacha
yard: patio


dimarts, 11 d’octubre del 2016


My aim is to pass the baccalaureate and study some degree related to business. I would like to rent a flat with my friends, too. I would like to study in Barcelona.  I have to work every summer because I need money to accomplish my objective. This year I started to work very early. I began in Abril.  I was studying and working in the same time. It was difficult but I can survive thanks to my organization.

I worked in a souvenir shop. In this shop there are a lot of things. In one hand there are a part of souvenirs and on the another hand there are a part of knives, guns and fusils of decoration.  
I was shop assistent, so I had to talk with all the clients. The majority of them were from french, holland, germany,etc. So I had to speck the most of time in french or in english. I improved very well both language. 


Hello teacher,

I am writing because I want to tell you about my objective. I set my own goals when I was 14 years old. My aim is to pass the baccalaureate and study some degree related to businessI would like to rent a flat with my friends, too. I will never give up until I get these goals. This year I am so focused in the studies to earn good grades and pass university entrance exam. The bills in the university are so expensive but if I am lucky I can get a scholarship to accomplish my objective. 

No one`s written my destiny for me so I never thought of dropping out of  the school because it is essential to get a good job. I don't want let my parents, my family and my teachers down so I hope to accomplish my own goals.

Best wishes!

diumenge, 9 d’octubre del 2016

One Hour of Exercise a Day Fights Damage of Sitting


We all knew that smoke are bad for your health. But I am sure the most of people don't know that stay seated are bad for us as smoke.

Resultat d'imatges de sentado en una oficinaIf we sit many hours in the school, in our job, etc,it can produce an early death. If we don't want this happen we have to do one hour of brisk exercise every day. New studies affirm that sit can be more deadly than smoking. The new report said that a sedentary lifestyle can cause many diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and even some cancers.


I was very interested in this story because in the future I want to work in an office. This suppose many hours sitting, So I have to grab precautions.


  • Prolong: alagar
  •  Offset: compensar
  • Brisk: rápido y energètico

LINK: http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/health-and-lifestyle-one-hour-of-exercise-a-day-fights-damage-of-sitting/3459254.html

Antioxidants in Citrus May Fight Obesity-Related Diseases


Obesity affects more and more people every year, especially the children. To avoid this we need to more exercise, laugh and eat varied. A new studies reveal that citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and grapefruit in a diet can reduce the obesity. 
Resultat d'imatges de citrus
Obesity are caused by stress and inflamation. The citrus have an antioxidants, in it we can found flavanones. Flavanones help people’s bodies reduce the amount of stress. This is, we can reduce obesity thanks the components of citrus. 

The best way for take antioxidants is to drink them. For exemple,  drinking orange juice each morning it would be fantastic for all us. 


This news surprised me because my grandmother knew this information. The old people know a lot of home remedies but we ignore them. I think that citrus is a good, economical and practice medicine.


  • Grapefruit: pomelo
  • Citrus: crítico
  • Delay: retrasar
LINK: http://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/citrus-good-health/3477600.html