diumenge, 13 de març del 2016


Medicine and technology have come a long way in recent years. All these developments help that man develop their capabilities. New discoveries and work on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases have been carried out thanks, in part to research and tests on humans.

On the one hand, I don't agree with these experiments because they can attempt to the dignity of the person, for exemple the Nazi experiments on prisoneros.
The prisoners, mostly Jews, but also Gypsies, Soviet prisoners of war and German disabled.
Generally, the experiments resulted in death, disfigurement or permanent disability, and therefore are considered as examples of medical torture.

On the other hand, the emergence of vaccines, antibiotics and many other types of drugs, drugs such as tamoxifen or imanitib have reduced cancer mortality and drug combinations have saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of people infected with HIV. Much of this progress would have been impossible without the use of animal models and humans.

In conclusion, I agree that human experiments were done but always take into account the limits.

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