dissabte, 20 de febrer del 2016

Sixth sense of mothers

In 1978, one company made an experiment for a television program. In this experiments it is shown the capacity of women to decipher the body signals that make babies.

The majority of women detect immediately what happened to their babies: if they had pain, if they had sleep, if they were hungry... When they do the same test with parents, the number of correct answers was very bad. Less than 10% of parents failed to recognize more than two sensations. Even those who said good answers, seemed to say random answers. Many parents announced triumphantly, "what happens to the baby is that he want to go with her mother".
They decided to do the test also with the grandparents to make sure that the age did not influence the results. The right answers of most grandmothers were between 50 and 70 percent while many grandfathers did not even recognize their grandchildren.

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