dissabte, 20 de febrer del 2016


Internships Abroad

In my Gap year I want to combine travelling, work experience and making a contribution to the global community. I want to experience a new culture, expand my horizons, improve my job prospects and to do something I love in an exotic new country. I want the opportunity will be a chance to gain new skills, meet new people, travel to new places; all while learning more about conservation and environmental ethics or helping a community develop.

If I go, this is my planing:
• Work as a journalist or photographer at a newspaper in exotic Fiji
• Train as a divemaster or marine conservationist in unique Madagascar or in a protected marine research park in Tanzania
• Gain medical experience while helping at a local clinic in India or Nepal
• Contribute to a new and much-needed nutritional program backed by the Fijian government
• Work in the field for a conservation NGO and work towards a role as a field conservationist

Resultat d'imatges de islas fijiI really like to have this experience because I like this countries and this travel is really good because it isn't expensive, is only £559.

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