diumenge, 12 de març del 2017


In the last post I talked about the issues that woman's like. So in this post I will do the opposite. If you go to a date with a man, you have to know the 4 ideal topics to chat with a man:

  •  What is her favorite movie?:  Analyze what kind of movies or band of music he like and later you can invite him to see her favorite movie or band of music.
  • Favorite place in the world: This question can be the starting point to have an interesting conversation about travels and places that both have known to compare. And in the future you can plan a travel together. 
  • His favorite way to spend a weeken: Undoubtedly this topic of conversation will be the kickoff to plan future departures together. If you want to know what things you like to do and what not, do not hesitate to ask this question.
  • What kind of things make you laugh?: humor is a very important point in every relationship. To know how to proceed and also have an interesting and fun talk with your boy, don't hesitate to ask what things cause him laughter and also tell him what makes you laugh.

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