dissabte, 28 de novembre del 2015


The song belongs to the group Pink Floyd. The single launch in November 1979. It reached number one in the list in UK, in US and many other countries. It is considered by music critics as one of the best songs of the band, and one of the best songs in rock history.

"Another Brick in the Wall" is a "protest song" denounces the hard rules that are in school in general with the phrase "We do not need no education" ("no necessitem cao educació"). It reflects the vision of Roger Waters on formal education: he hated their teachers and he thought that they were more interested in maintaining discipline instead of transmitting his knowledge to students.
The phrase "Another brick in the wall" ("un altre maó en la paret") refers to the image of the teacher, who is seen as one of the causes of mental isolation of Pink.

On the one hand I agree with the group. Because I think that schools should be more freedom, but it is not, we are under school rules. And this prevents that the students have critical spirit.
And on the another hand I don't agree because I think everyone has to have a minimum of education.

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