dimarts, 17 de març del 2015

My favorite romantic song

It has been directed by Nabil Elderkin.This song was recorded in Italy days before her wedding with Chrissy. In the video we can see scenes of love.  There are also images of hir wedding on lake of Como (Italy).

"Because all of me loves all of you" John Legend sings in the chorus. This is one of the most romantic messages of this song.
All of me is undoubtedly the most popular song in her career. The singer has sold more than three million copies in the United States and 5.5 around the world.

John Legend is a singer, pianist and composer.He was born in Ohio. He has 35 yeras old.With 4 discs on the market, it is winner of 9 Grammy Awards. He is situated as one of the essential figures of  black music.

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