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diumenge, 23 d’abril del 2017

Future of Air Travel: Electric Planes and Flying Cars


There are companies who search the mode of made a electric airplane or personal flying vehicles. Their objective are cutting flight times and greatly reducing costs. If this project is successfully completed, the cost per passenger will be reduced. JetBlue is one of this company and they decided that the aircraft will be hybrid-electric, meaning they rely mostly on battery power, but also burn fuel when need it. But it will take a long time. Here in Europe there are a compani named European-based Airbus and it is also working to develop electric and hybrid aircraft for short trips. They are also working in a particular car that can fly. It will named Pop Up. It is  is designed to be used on the ground and in the air.

Resultat d'imatges de coche volador

This plane will be our future. And it is better if we will pay less money for travel and meet new cultures.


Hub: cubo
Aircraft: avión


dissabte, 28 de gener del 2017

International Day of the Girl Brings Attention to Child Marriage, Education


Michelle Obama conducted an event at the White House. This event is about the international day of the girls. He talked about the need to expand girl's education. On the same day, Save the Children also published a report about child marriage and other issues relacioned by girls and young women (Every Last Girl: Free to live, free to learn, free from harm). Child marriage is one of the big problems faced by girls. This problem is very serious because every 7 seconds a girl  is marries. That is, if she marries, she drop out school. The report rates the best and worst places to be a girl. Sweden is the best one. In contra, Níger is the worst one.

Mrs. Obama visited Liberia and Morocco last summer. She said many young girls in the two countries struggle to receive an education. In schools girls realize that there is no difference between them and  boys. Moroccan girld say: we have a girl in our group from Morocco who does mechanical stuff. I mean, she’s going to start operating her garage, which is something we thought only boys do.


I am very happy that there are such events because they realize people about the situation of many girls. We have to stop child marriages and convince their parents that education is the best thing for them.


CEO: a Corporate Executive Office
Outraged: enfadarse
Struggle: lucha


diumenge, 9 d’octubre del 2016

One Hour of Exercise a Day Fights Damage of Sitting


We all knew that smoke are bad for your health. But I am sure the most of people don't know that stay seated are bad for us as smoke.

Resultat d'imatges de sentado en una oficinaIf we sit many hours in the school, in our job, etc,it can produce an early death. If we don't want this happen we have to do one hour of brisk exercise every day. New studies affirm that sit can be more deadly than smoking. The new report said that a sedentary lifestyle can cause many diseases, including heart disease, diabetes and even some cancers.


I was very interested in this story because in the future I want to work in an office. This suppose many hours sitting, So I have to grab precautions.


  • Prolong: alagar
  •  Offset: compensar
  • Brisk: rápido y energètico